Anne Fossemalle, EBRD
Anne Fossemalle
Director - Equity Funds

Anne Fossemalle has been the Director in charge of Funds’ investments at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) since 2009. She has over 25 years of private equity experience and holds numerous LPAC seats with major fund managers within the EBRD’s countries of operations. Anne also represents EBRD and its countries of operations in major industry bodies: as Member of the Board of Directors and Past Chair of Invest Europe, the European private equity association and the world’s largest association of capital providers; as former Member of the Board of Directors of the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA), the global association for institutional investors; and as CEE & CIS Council Chair Director for the Global Private Capital Association (GPCA), formerly EMPEA. Anne joined the EBRD in 1993 from Natixis in Paris, and has worked in a number of capacities prior to heading the Funds’ investment team, notably leading EBRD’s debt and direct equity investments into financial institutions. Anne holds Masters degrees from Stanford University, Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (France) and Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (France). She was selected as one of ten Women of Influence in Private Equity by Private Equity International in 2022